Saturday, December 17, 2005

Kelvin's back

Kelvin's back for christmas, good to see him again, seem like he has put on lot of muscles. Khim Mun is still the same old same old guy.

had a good time catching up, though kelvin has been trying to be mean and talking mean the whole night. Went to see his friend, Brandon perform at the Esplanade after dinner and it was a good band.

Our last stop, a drink at Harry's. Terrible frozen passionfruit margarita, taste like medicine.
Khin Mun can actually tie a knot using a cherry stem with his tongue!! :O

I finally got the shoes i wanted, spend some time hestiating here and there, oh well, there's a 20% off, so why not. a christmas present for myself.

And i finally got my breast cancer wristband from Kelvin, its sooooo big , i will drop off if i wear it on my wrist, no choice got to wear them up high on my arm.


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