Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Geese

Today we had to brave the burning steaming sun and travel to buy some geese for Craig's mum birthday.

The seller said the geese were 3months old and they are not honking.

See the size for 3 months
There is no way this is 3 months! And they honk all the time when the crows fly past!

These geese are not use to human at all, each time you go near them, they hissed at you and run away. I definately would say my chooks are smarter than these geese. All these geese do is to stand and stare or walk/sit in groups. Great team spirit but definately no talent for being cute and cuddly.

Chook being a busy body. The chooks are often jealous of the geese, wanting all the geese's scraps when they have a big bucket of food.

oops, one of them caught me taking pictures!

Good thing they are only with us for 4 days....the honking drove us nuts!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Week 17 (15 Dec 2009) and a proud Mama!

Today I made an amazing discovery. The chooks were crocking so loudly when I was making breakfast. It was much louder than usual and they don't usually make much sound in the morning. So I thought I had better go have a look (thinking one might be dead!)

When I open the chook pen's door, to my surprise, I found TWO eggs on the ground!! I'm so proud of the chooks that I just grab one and hug it (not sure if she had just laid any). So 2 out of 3 had laid their 1st egg today. One of it was tiny! It was only slightly bigger than a quail egg. Craig said it might have been laid yesterday because it is not warm but I'm very sure I did not see eggs yesterday.

Later this evening, just out of curiosity, I went to check again and let the chooks out as well. I found another egg!!! This is amazing, all 3 chooks laid their 1st egg today. Small but at least they did not eat or destroy their eggs. This is a good start. Hopefully the eggs will become bigger in the next few eggs.

Here are the proud pictures of my 1st home grown free range eggs!

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Week 16 and still growing..

Took some great pictures of the chooks today. They love to rest outside the house. Perhapes it is the carpet, perhapes it is the view into the house, perhapes they like the human company. Who knows!

I caught Feisty sleeping! It was "awwwwww............"

You can see Feisty's eyes open because she heard the camera's focus sound.

That's when they are not noisy...

My chooks love sunflowers seeds, but they are not intelligent enough to realise they have to flip it over sometimes to get the seeds

and yes, they are confused where the seeds have gone to....

Yep, it doesn't take long to finish the whole sunflower.

Friday, December 04, 2009

Neighbours from pubs

Last weekend we had new neighbours. This entire week, it felt like living in a backpacker's lounge area, where there will be plently supply of loud music, screams and "throwing bottles into bins" jing.

Tonight , I get bings and bangs from drumsets, more screams(from girls of cos), and not to mention, the nice neighbours has also supply me with live radio.

I am definately much fortunate and luckier than my chooks, the girls have to put up with the neighbours till they decide to go to bed each night. Poor chooks, might have to bring them for a hearing test in future.

What's the best way to deal with neighbours from pubs?

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Week 15!! And a shocking discovery!

Shocking Discovery : My chooks doesn't like to eat black hairy caterpillas!!

This is terrible because one of the reasons to get chooks is to eat up all the hairy caterpillas that will always come in summer time. I had collected some for the chooks yesterday and thinking "Here's your feast!" and one took a bite and spit it out again!!! poof goes my heart.....another chicken came along and have a taste and go "Nup...." and they walked away....

This is so upsetting!!!