Today I made an amazing discovery. The chooks were crocking so loudly when I was making breakfast. It was much louder than usual and they don't usually make much sound in the morning. So I thought I had better go have a look (thinking one might be dead!)
When I open the chook pen's door, to my surprise, I found TWO eggs on the ground!! I'm so proud of the chooks that I just grab one and hug it (not sure if she had just laid any). So 2 out of 3 had laid their 1st egg today. One of it was tiny! It was only slightly bigger than a quail egg. Craig said it might have been laid yesterday because it is not warm but I'm very sure I did not see eggs yesterday.
Later this evening, just out of curiosity, I went to check again and let the chooks out as well. I found another egg!!! This is amazing, all 3 chooks laid their 1st egg today. Small but at least they did not eat or destroy their eggs. This is a good start. Hopefully the eggs will become bigger in the next few eggs.
Here are the proud pictures of my 1st home grown free range eggs!
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