Thursday, November 05, 2009

Chickens 11 weeks old !!

Lots of things happening since my last post 2 weeks ago. The girls are happily settled in their new home that is proudly made in WA.

The chooks are definately getting bigger (can tell by their massive poo!) and they are often showing off their flying skills. It's called landscape flying.

There's plenty of improvement that can be done to their chookpen version1.0. Like adding handles and hinges so I don't have to hold up the door with a stick. Give them a proper perch in their nesting section. Put in a door in their roaming area so we can slide food in easily. Perhapes version 2.0 will be delivered when Craig has the inspiration.

I gave them some left over salad (lettuce, carrots, tomoates, eggs, cheese) but they seem to not like it at all. In fact, it remain untouched. I also give them some celery leaves today as well and yes, I was ignored. Who says chooks eat everything???

I'll tell you what they love eating- Leaves. They have happily munched off the leaves on my chilli plant, the leaves on the strawberries and baby lettuce! They sure know how to pick fresh grown leaves.

The home made chook pen

Nesting area.

Food and water supply

The celebrity stars


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