Sunday, August 29, 2010

Duckling Week 5

Week 5 and I guess they should be called Ducks now instead of ducklings. These ducks are getting their adult feathers and their wings structure is beginning to show.

Today is a warm day so one of the duck is more adventurous and decided to take a dip and enjoy the water.

and lost its head maybe........

OH found it!

The ducks had been lazy all day....resting in the sun and in the shade...

grooming themselves....

and doing stretching exercises.....

5 weeks old and they are still very timid. Each time they see us 200m away, they will start squeaking and oh yes, one of them start quacking at us too. They will push themselves and each other into a corner and behave like ducks that had gone mental! Don't think these ducks are driven by food because lettuce doesn't make them any more tamed.


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